sabar itu separuh daripada iman

My family and I were having our early dinner at KFC yesterday. Finishing our meals with joys. As usual, my abah will allow me to drive. Gratefully, I took the key and started the engine. Perut kenyang, mestilah suka hati :)

Carefully, I reversed my car. Getting on the road and turned the signal to the right when the car was reaching a junction. As I was about to turn on the right, suddenly..


I stopped my car and startled. All I saw from the side mirror was a car. It knocked mine! My parents were sitting on the passenger seats, and they're shocked. Mana taknya, bergegar kereta kitorang.

My abah rushed out and met the driver who knocked my car. (cehh, my car. padahal kereta abah). I don't know why, but I was too mad that I nearly screamed at the driver. The driver, a woman. Years older than me, but she called abah 'pakcik'.

Kalau ikutkan hati, geram sangat nak hentam kereta dia balik. Tak main la tampar, lempang bagai. The problem is, I turned on the signal to the right before sampai junction lagi. Tapi that driver (a sister maybe) kata dia tak perasan.

Turun naik nafas. Marah, marah yang amat sangat, berkocak perasan dalam jiwa ni. Segalanya sebab MARAH.

I told her, "takkan tak nampak, takkan tak perasan signal saya? rasanya lampu signal ni hidup lagi"

Once, and I got into my car and continued our journey. Back to our home. Luckily, nothing broken and no one hurts. But the skirting and the back bumper jadi loose sikit and bergegar. I told my abah, if anything broken, I dared myself to make her payback at that moment and I don't care who she is. And i don't mind telling her that even though I am a beginner, a young driver with P license. Saya tampal sticker P okayy. Jangan nak hentam sembarangan even saya ni driver with license P. Yang penting I follow the rules that I should follow. Bukan bawak sambil lewa. Okay, enough.

All I could do, uttering ataghfirullahalazim. Please forgive me, Ya Allah and may Allah forgive her too. Sabarlah wahai hati. Sabar sabar dan sabar. Kerana ujian itu untuk mengingatkan aku supaya lebih berhati-hati dan berwaspada dengan suasana pemanduan.

Along the journey, the only thing that matters me is my family. The safety of my family lied on me. I drove the car. All the risks are on me. That my parents were at the back seat. I was thinking of some possibilities that if it crashed more at the back. Nauzubillah.

Danger is anywhere. Even though kita confident that we drive safely or maybe we feel safe that we followed all the traffic rules, but some irresponsible traffic users and mad drivers would attack us or causing a lot more traffic jams and accidents. Sila patuhi peraturan jalan raya untuk mengelakkan orang lain teraniaya. Don't ever bad-mouthing other beginner and perkecilkan pemandu lain. Be a polite driver. Sopan tak semestinya diukur dengan percakapan, tapi attitude anda masa memandu also a big concern. Jadilah pemandu berhemah kerana anda akan dihormati pengguna jalan raya yang lain.

Just a piece of sharing and advice for all of us, becoming-drivers, beginners and masters. Till then, Assalamualaikum :)

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