arabic theatre

demo perang. casting: harith, dol

our sayyid batotish (Mr.Potato) lols :P

crew and props yang tersangatlah rajin: Qiwa, Pyah, Marina

script understanding: Hafis, Rafiq, Hakimjan, Dol

morning of war, hihi

yaya, buat apa tu?

gals :)

my beloved housemate. Qistina :) currently doing medicine in Jordan

boys. excluded Rafiq :p

from left: Dol the Hakim, Rafiq, Harith the Holmes, Hakimjann, Qiwa, Hafis al-As

classmates MEG01

sayyidi :) ustaz faisal

after a few months.
hahaha. well, those are my beloved classmates in INTEC months ago. seronok sangaaaat!
working together, spilling ideas together for an annual Arabic theatre by all the MEP students. Anyway, we got the fifth place. Performing on the stage about Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh's life and how he conquered the City of Constantinople.
Currently, 16 out of 20 of us are studying in CFS-IIUM Petaling Jaya. Hoping the another day to get together again. All 20 of us. Missing all those cheerful and head-wrecking moments. Ukhuwah fillah Abadan abadaa :)

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