"a dream wedding" ?

I was the last presenter out of 16 people the lecture room.
Before that, I teased Filzati's topic given by Mr.Rashdan on "your first love".
Well, it's a random-5 minutes public speaking.
It's a random, and the topics given randomly to student.
So he might be giving out the topic based on what was wandering in his mind -.-
(oh my goshh! i'll dead)

It's time.
And he said that, "i'll give the most cliché and killing topic for our last presenter in class"
Some of them were clapping their hands and not to forget the guys, they're really making fun of me.
(I was about to shout at them, but still, I can manage my emotions well)

"okay, our last presenter with the topic...."


'wwhhhaaatt???? this is crazier. unbelievable! the crazier than what I'd expected!'

It's too late, even though I had told him that I don't want any cliché and cheesy topic or something not factual and related to most of my dream or feelings!

So there, I was standing in front of the shining-wealth glass wall of our class trying to control my shame and all the blush on my face.
(why should I be the last person? this is.. err. whatever it should be)

Yes, I can't avoid this and I must go on with the topic.
Some of my fellow friends were recording my speech on this cheesy topic.
(geli yaw!)

It goes like this, finally.
" My dream wedding day will be on my birthday. 2 in 1. It'll be in a fresh green garden with an English Garden theme"

That's all.

"..and I want a red dream sports car, for my wedding special gift"

I ended it with a round of applause after telling them that I want a car for my present.
I felt like my heart was about to explode!
I felt hot and blushed.

-the end-

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