Nur Shuhada Abdullah

i will be missing this apple  : (
to my dear Nur Shuhada Abdullah, thanks for the special post you made for me. you are awesomely great. romantikus :) hehe..thanks to you okay. anyway, don't let yourself hurt and fear. seek for Him. gratefully because you love to share it with me, even i didn't have it in my life so i got to have some of the spices and bittersweet of life. nah, i dedicated this green apple for you. this is my junk food :) kehkehkeh.. you are AWESOME, and i don''t know why because i look everyone good and friendly :) thanks again. i'm happy for being a pain reliever for my friends. always SMILE :)

p/s just now Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob [ Beast/B2st ] wished me Happy Birthday. Goo Hara [Kara] wrote me " choenmaneyo pretty gurl ^^ " .....*blush*

with love and smile :)
amirah farhana 

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