The life as we live in.

Assalamualaikum and for another pleasant day, here we go.

Today I met a young mom at 22 years old with her 2-months-old daughter at Klinik Kesihatan Wakaf Che Yeh, in a maternal and child health department. I used to come to the department every day because of the vibes and attractions there. The observing skill in me had brought me another perception of life, like we always know it all about. 

Yes, she's 22 years old that makes me wonder how does she endure a married life at such a young age. Being a mother at 22, she's struggling to breastfeed her baby. I saw her trying to hold her baby in any comfortable means. I believe that her baby didn't had enough at that moment. Yet, she tried to make her baby burp. Then, a nurse came and told her to feed her baby more. It hasn't been long, just a 3 minutes session of breastfeeding in the corner and I was expecting her to keep on feeding her baby. I looked at her and she smiled. Not to ask where her husband is at that moment. So I thought perhaps he's working. 

The baby? She's cute. Not even a cry heard from her, even though she doesn't get enough. What a good girl!

There came another couple, with a newborn baby in the mother's arm. The husband accompanied his wife for a postnatal checkup and neonatal examination, holding a ladybug's bag. How cute, I thought. Following them, a couple of older age approach the couple. Yes. The parents of either the wife or the husband. Wow, I thought to myself. Bawak sekampung ni. And 2 kids were running after them. Beautiful. The greatest support after all is, a good family. Because being good is a choice. 

Then, I encountered a young male and a young female patient later. The young guy was the ill-looking one. But there I asked the young female sitting next to him, because she may become a patient as well. What a conclusion. 

"Assalamualaikum kak, datang harini sebab apa?"
"Ni ha, dia ni tak sihat"
"Oh adik ke?"
"Eh tak. Ni suami saya."
"Oh, saya minta maaf."

It felt so awkward to expect him as who I believe he is. Yes, very young. Perhaps a 17- or a 18-years-old husband. The wife, quite young and looked older that him. Then I saw both of them holding hands into the consultation room an hour later. I laughed at myself. That was a self-embarrassment that I could have asked 'Siapa ni?' instead of assuming whom he could have been. That is judgemental.


p/s: 18's married, 20's becoming parents. 23's?

So much determination, Wed (08:08 am)

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