End of Semester 7 yo!

Assalamualaikum and good evening. "A pleasant moment is meant to share with pleasant comrades" Spine team, hello! :)) I came across with this phrase, surely it's not a good one. Who cares btwww, I had finished my Semester 7 officially today! Just finishing the End of Semester 7 Examination yesterday, and I was, extremely relieved. Most of us had went back to their home. I wish I could, but once I got myself busy, I will definitely be one. Because I like challenges and I love embracing troubles (including mockings, condemns and a few other insults) like nobody wants it. Siapa je suka? But why not, trying to get in the games and see the patterns. It is always the same people who talks (bad/loudly) but never once trying to fit in others shoes. I would laugh, pity you for trying to get this kind of cheap attentions. Finishing orthopaedics and family medicine in semester 7, with 10 osce stations for Family Medicine, I almost gave up. Because of too many general and ...