awak, saya penat

Assalamualaikum wbt. Salam Barakah. Salam Ramadhan.

2 days to go, and Finals here we come! This one crazy and bubbly friend of mine was telling me that she’s exhausted as we’re walking back to dormitories after practising our OSCE in the CSC yesterday’s evening.

“Awak, saya penat.Saya cuma nak cakap yang saya penat tu je.After all things happened masa sem ni. Saya rasa penat.This sem macam heavy sangat. Taktau nak cakap macam mana.Penat. Tu je”

Dear Nfsyxh,
For all the things happened to you, semua ada hikmah dan ada rahmat Tuhan sebaliknya. You just don’t get to see it yet. Let’s just remember the little cute things you had together with your awesome buddies and all your loved ones. Little things are meant to stay longer than it seems. Retweet this if you agree Hahaaa ;) I’ve been in that place too last semester when I was hardly broken, stressed out and miserable and yes it WAS REALLY BAD it happened just before the examination season came approaching us like a drowning path. Feeling haywire somehow but everyone would have their own suffers and hard times coming day by day like the lizards beneath the curtains. (Eh? I guess I’d became gilo also). After all, this is Ramadhan, plead as much as we can and serve ourselves as the best slaves ever to our God. Exam is important but do remember that slaving to God is the most crucial one! Solat on time and read Quranic verses as much as you can. Grab these two things, inshaa Allah He is there to always help. Place our ibtisam and surrender to Him. Only Him. Goodluck awak J

p/s: Pagi tadi dapat lauk sahur yang paling best (Nasi beriyani) and it was the fullest sahur I’ve ever had sepanjang Ramadhan dekat sini. And sampai lupa nak kejut mokcik seberang padang tu bangun sahur. I’m so dead about how food makes me forget my crucial mokcik yang dah 4 hari tak bangun sahur tu. I’m sorry mek! - -“

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