panas! panas!! panaasss!!!

The only thing I can do at that moment was screaming.

"Panas! Ya Allah, panas!!! Panas!!!!"

Yes. A mug of hot Nestum solution just poured like a mountain on my right thigh, splashed to my ankle and the back of my right arm. And I was scared that the mug might fall on my feet. All I could do was standing still and close my ears with both of my hands. I don't want to hear that thing fall on my feet and I never want to see what's in front of me.

My roommates were all shocked and they just screamed while rushed to the toilet to get a bucket of cold water for a quick remedial on the burn areas. Yes. First aid. As I was screaming and panicking like I don't know what to do but my thoughts were all about hunger and the mug. I was in a great hunger last night, I thought of having a mug of hot Nestum and some biscuits. The mug, luckily it didn't fell on my feet. My other roommate was helping me out by giving me a towel. She told me to remove my pants and quickly ran the 'rubor' and 'calor' areas under the tap water. It hurts. It hurts more since it's burnt.

Tears were coming from the lacrimal duct, I was thinking positively that this won't harm me much and this won't affect much. But tears were uncontrollably running down when I can't walk properly. I got back into my room and called my friend, Wawa to send me to the Emergency Department of HUSM. It was 11.20 p.m. Wawa called her senior and the senior came to fetch me and sent me to the Emergency Department. I don't know this senior at all, but his name is Kok Zhang, a fifth year MD student of USM. Almost 12.00 midnight but he insisted on waiting us even though he had an exam tomorrow. . Oh I was accompanied by my roommate, Kak Fatin who is a second year MD student of USM. I think I didn't say much gratitude to him for sending me there. I was mentally down and the pain, it made me numb. The heat from the burn areas were not yet reduced and it still stung. Finally Kak Fatin told him that this might me a long wait and thus he can make his preparation for his examination tomorrow.

I was sitting on a wheelchair, trying to calm myself down. Wawa and Kak Fatin were consoling me and I can deeply say they're really supportive during this hard time. I was admitted to the green zone and yeah, it was a three-hours waiting in the Emergency zone. What a long wait -.- I was accompanied by this two persons who helped me a lot with treating my burn areas. Cold towels and wet gauzes were placed all over my burn areas. The nurses were kind enough to console and treating my burn areas. She asked wawa and Kak fatin about how did it happen to me. It was my own carelessness.

After finishing the chief complaints to a young female doctor on duty, she then suggested me to get the pain reliever through an IV injecton. I was scared to death that it is an injection. Yes, needle. The most important thing right at that moment was to relieve the pain faster. I won't want to prolong the pain any longer. The faster it relieves, then life might be better tomorrow. The drug was then administered trough an intravenous injection. I thought it was just a one shot injection. But it turned out to be that the needle stayed on my left tarsal for hours. Almost 3 inches long and the nurse in charged for the injection was just hmmm. He inserted the needle into my vein and out and into it again! I just shut my eyes and cold sweats were coming yeah. Lacrimal ducts just started pouring its content on my face. OMG. That was my first time ever.

And that thing (the few inches-length needle and the small tube) stuck on my hand for hours. I was asked to stay in the emergency ward for hours. The nurse came to ask me the scale of the pain I have at that time. From scale 1 to 10, It ranged about 7-8. It was almost 3.00 a.m in the morning. Pity my friends. They slept beside me, to keep me accompanied all night. I can't sleep, worrying about that thing on my hand might penetrate the other veins. And that thing hurts me so much. I don't know why I was shivering continuously. Maybe it was because of the air cond there or the effects of the pain reliever. Looking at my company buddies were tired, they fall asleep just easy and even snored. Hahaha. They told me that they're not sleepy and they just wanted me to sleep peacefully during that waiting period. Haha, deep inside I knew they're exhausted for the long waits. Thanks girls :)

It was 6.00 a.m. and I was wide awake. My thoughts were to get out of the ward as soon as possible and to remove the needle that stuck on my tarsal. Oh it swells! Nurses came to check on my blood pressure, pulse rate and my body temperature. Another female doctor came and asked upon my condition that morning. She got my scars and injured areas inspected. While my friends were performing their prayers, I was waiting for the nurse to remove the needle and the tube. I saw it coming out from my vein! I just can't believe what was it that goes into my vein???

Well, covered up with cotton ball and plaster, waiting for some prescribed medication at the pharmacy with Wawa and Kak Fatin. 7.00 a.m and I finally out! I went back to Desasiswa Nurani with Kak Fatin. And Wawa went back to her Desa obviously quite far from mine. Best friend ever, who could run to the hospital just to check on me and keeping me a good company through this rough moment. I came back to my room and just knew that my roommate, Dayang had washed my room slippers and my clothes stained with the hot Nestum. Oh my, I wish I can repay their kindness.

The best part of being sick is that you know you're loved. Always love.

I can't walk and write properly, so I typed. In hope that the hot water would never get me traumatized. Hiks. I told mama but she laughed. Somehow mama told me that she never let me play with hot water and even let a single drop of hot water spill on my skin when I was a kid. Hahaha funny when I finally let it spill on my skin. Sorry mama --'

And of all, my gratitudes are for my roommates and Wawa, and Kok Zhang, the driver. They who are ever-ready to give their helping hands. God knows you're irreplaceable. And yeah, I was surprised by a sudden Pizza delivery that came to our room just now. It was Dayang's treat :D

Salam Maulidur Rasul gaiss :)

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