Jajan's birthday.

Today is 7th March of 2015. Well let me tell you about someone who shares the same birthday as her mom. Sweet, ain't it? She's Normarjana binti Ahmad Darus. She's my cousin. A daring one, a sweet one, a caring one but a stingy one (oopps!). You know what, she has a beautiful heart and a kind-hearted one. She's polite. Even polite when I'm not really polite. Ha.ha. She's well-loved by her mak, abah, angah, ujang, muiz and ami. She's really good in persuading. Well-cared by nenek, maklang and paklang. She's the mulut manis one. Told ya, she's manis. I used to call her Jajan when she used to call me Mir/Mirfarhan. Plus, she's always miscalled me with the hope that I will definitely call her back. Save credits maybe. hm.

Well, it's a disappointment to really rely on me sometimes because I find myself hardly to be with someone I care about during the hard times that you're going through. I find this ego type in my side. Say, sometimes you could bear with me when you can't. And I normally used to run away whenever I'm depressed or in a great disappointment. The state of mind and soul that I scared the most is pretending to never care what you/other people are feeling and I would never tried to contact anyone that I've hurt. Maybe I hurt you? Forgive me. I mistrust people easily and I defeat my feelings hardly.

I would love to hear from you but I scared to start a thing. Btw, it's been a month and a week since our last private conversation through whatsapp. Frankly speaking, it's because of my disappointment for you not making your day for me. I have been waiting for you to grab some day and come to see me as I hardly can escape a day in this semester since you always had a long holiday, for 3 months. I know the circumstances you're experiencing and I can't resist that I need you in my hard times.

But I think it's a childish act, sometimes. So I've been spending days safe and sound, making times for myself. Ohh yeah. One more thing, I've been flooded with so many assignments and hectic-ly catching up the dues, society, projects and studies. I hope you're doing fine yesterday,today, tomorrow and ever after. Btw, I have an interview tomorrow for the USM-KLE International Medical Programme in KL. Pray for me :)

Since today is your birthday, I'm wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! May Allah bless you, grant you happiness and always be good to everyone. Long live macehhhh, in shaa Allah. I'm looking forward for our next meeting on Eid, this July before I fly. Hmm wondering to meet up with you in Unimas soon. But I don't know when, let God decides. I'm sorry cause I'm not that romantic person to play you a piano like you did to me last time. I told you, she's a freaking romantic one! She played a piano for me during my 18th and 19th birthday. Awww. But she's the one who will ask for presents. Jajan, I won't give you any present till you contact me since you specially got a free call today. Call lah I. hihi.Just joking. Present hang ada ni hah.

I remembered that I've gusti-ing with her in our grandparents' house. It was night and we're sleeping together with maksu. Since I laid down next to her, we started to chat about nonsense thingy. Then, I started to tease her and she defeated herself. Then we started to quarrel and I won. As far I thought, I kicked her and pinched her, she cried and I was panicking. But I was mad at her till my mama and her mak came to resolve everything. But we still got along very well after the night-fight. It was 13 years ago. Funny things living as a kid. #throwback

p/s Anyway, saengil chukkae :)  Maleh nak wish actually. Good luck weh study. Jangan banyak main macam aku :P

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