He is my dad.

In school, we're always told about what our mom does all the time for us. She gave birth, she feed us, she care for us, console us whenever we're sick and cry. The one that we adore very much is, MOM. It's always mom if you can't choose the right shirt to hang out. It's always mom to feed our hungry stomach. It's always mom to be by our side if we're scolded by dad. Everything's about mom.

In school, I used to miss my mom more than my dad. I used to call mom whenever I failed in exams. I used to tell my mom about how I feel being tortured and scolded in front of the seniors and teachers. Only when I can't reach my mom at the moment I need her very much, then I called my dad, seeking for my dad. Nothing much that I would say and tell him about my failures, my feelings and etc. I could spend ringgits and cents for my mom. But I spent only a ringgit for my dad. Sometimes I wonder what he feel towards me.

In college, I started to know lots of friends. Getting along with the fellow friends, having fun together at the malls, spending time together in the cinemas, and it's great! Not just the girls, but the boys too. I don't know how did it start, I started a relationship with someone at my age. In the end, we broke up. It was the moment I felt like I don't know myself and yet, I can't understand myself even I can't tolerate with anything happens around me. It changed me out of sudden. For months, I kept this a secret and to never let anyone knows my story, even my mom and my dad. But I told this only to my beloved-cousin.

Somehow, I found a way back. When there are times hard, He gives us ease. The chance I have to get myself back to the way I was.

Time passed, the long break I have enough to settle down my heart. I started to accept people around me and understand them better. At times I was being selfish towards them just because I want to know them better. Sometimes, I was being selfish to myself just to let them know me and understand me. I did this to my dad too.

My dad used to be at the front passenger seat whenever I drive to make me stay alert with the road conditions. I used to watch him from far and the way he hold the steering makes me want to be like him. He grasp the steering and keep focusing on the road. I could understand how he care about our security. He drives well. He will make sure to make me and my siblings sleep well in the car. He would do everything to make us feel great with him. He would do anything to comfort us. He care a lot for us. He even accompanied me to a cosmetic shop whenever I'm alone. He ask me a lot about my schedule, a camping I attended, my studies, my friends and everything I had encounter in a week. We chat a lot in the car after picking me up at the college for a weekend break.

I used to accompany him to the car service center. I asked a lot about cars and the mechanism of the cars, lorries and buses. No doubt that I have an interest in that field, and I can ask whatever I want to know because dad seems to know a lot about the mechanical things. He's a teacher but he knows a lot of side things and I found that he's well expert in surviving skills. Well, he's my dad.

Lots of time I have to understand my dad. And I finally get along well with my dad. He used to hugged me when I passed the exams. I cried upon seeing him cried for me. He wished me the best, we share laughs, sorrow and the stories. Sometimes, I thought about the boy a lot. He seemed a lot different from a dad I adored very much. I decided to never looking back but to look forward for something better than I had encountered  before. Life must goes on.

Knowing my dad makes me wonder a lot about my future one. And today, I used to chat with my dad more friendly. When something happened, I used to contact my dad but I would never let my mom aside. Just because I started to understand my dad a bit, I can tighten the gap between me and my dad. I pray that Allah would always grant him success, love, bliss and happiness ever after together with my mom. Amin. May Allah ease everything my beloved parents will encounter. And today, I miss my dad very much! :'(

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