Someone that always stay hidden

Time flew away so fast. Leaving all the footprints, paths and memories away. A history again stored in an old-complex jewel box. That it will always be treasured by people who are curious about the memories, the black histories and those dull pictures captured were thrown away into that past day. The days ahead that she had always looking for, to find herself. While she drowned through the whole journey. Drowning in herself. She's confused.

Feeling lost and sometimes strayed away from people. That might be the best, she thought. Where she faked the smiles and laughs. Yep, just anyone can fake the happiness they cruelly have. An expression that covered everything, like clothes. To that expression that sometimes cowardly stayed alone at times. Where sometimes it laid back the memories, the black memories forward. A black story to be remembered, is always a hurtful one, she thought.

It may seems too tough. It may seems too rough. But sometimes it takes two to tango. But she crashed down in her soul, the great feeling of love for the lost people. She'd lost! As she can't get to understand whatever happened to herself . She's all confused, feeling irritated by the insults, the mocks and the rubbish talks. There, at the moment of solar flares erupted, she understood that people were too cruel among themselves.

She did hold grudges, but she can't make it enough for herself. Setting it free might be a healing, she thought. But the lost, the rejection, the guilt, the blame finally covered up herself. She was choking at the edge of a corridor. She needed someone to listen, to talk with but she ain't trust people enough. She can't trust. She's scared to trust. But the only One that could listen, whom she can spill everything, speak and cry. Luckily, the only trusts and faith she had never faded away from her heart.

Dear YOU,
We couldn't expect any excitements and sorrow to last forever. There's always a way out of hardships and those spiteful words. Remember that in the remembrance of Allah may put your heart at rest. Whenever you're feeling down, lost and have nowhere to turn to, He is always be there for you. Take a step towards Him, He will walk to be there for you. Walk to Him and He will run for you. Indeed, there's nothing permanent in this life. I will die, you will die, we will die, everyone will. It's okay if you don't trust people, but you can always rely on Allah. Put your all your trust in Him. Look at the sky, where He created beautiful stars together with the moon. The planets that move accordingly to the Divine Law. All creatures He created for those who wants to study and to be grateful.

They understand each other but they keep betraying and hating each other. The envious, the mentally-cracked people that only think about themselves. And everything happened outside them, they don't even care. But they emotionally doing everything they thought is true, where the rests of abandoned people thought it is devastating, crashing them down. Moreover, the abandoned people lost their fleshes and bloods.
How could this happen within a world, a nation, a religion, a race, a community even in a family? This is cruel. The people understood each other, but backstabbing each other at the end of the route. A twisted life one should ever compromised. The people that laughed in a mourn of the another people. The world's reality today.

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