
You may ask why you're not given such wonderful and precious chances, instead, inaudibly precious, tremendous and oh, 'biasa biasa je' chances awaits. Have you ever think that every chances you have today may be helpful and maybe in some other way makes you a lot more brilliant and grateful for everything you have yesterday, today and in shaa Allah tomorrow, hereafter.

Waking up from your sleep, you're given a lot of chances.
1. Raise from the bed and get yourself clean. Then, go out for working or schooling.
2. Raise from the bed, pick up your phone, checking messages and back to sleep.

3. Back to sleep.

You did your own decision whether to stay or to move. It is you who decide to get whatever you want. You're given chances as choices. It's like a Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Chances won't wait, but chances are always there to help you in some different ways. Go ahead and decide.

Even if the tree is falling down, what would you decide?

1. To run away and you're safe.

2. To stay and get hit.

Even if you're harshly insulted, what would you choose to get back your self-esteem?

1. To ignore everything, explain and just do it your way.

2. To blame the people who insulted you and you're going to satisfy yourself.
3. To keep the scars and live your life like it's the end of your life.

The choice is yours. No one would choose for you.
Your family, fellows are always there for help. But you're going to decide and choose what's the best for your future.

"How many favours of your Lord will then both of you deny?"

Ar-Rahman, 55:13

Let's live well people, make it till the end. Jannatul firdausi. In shaa Allah.
Whatever happens, leave it to Allah. He plans and He knows very well.
Till then, Assalamualaikum :)

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