tahu tak kenapa?

When we're having a hard time, we cry. Asking why, why and why. But have we thought that having a hard time is the most wonderful moment to get ourselves back to Allah, The Creator, The One who always listen to our plead and cries? Anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Yes, being grateful that He will always there to listen to every hard we complaint. As to Him we came from and surely to Him we return.

The most important point that I wanted to highlight is, being grateful. Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang di hadapan kita, yang telah kita tinggalkan dan apa yang ada sekarang. No matter how it rains you with pains or luxuries. Kekayaan adalah dugaan. Kefakiran adalah suatu kenikmatan. Begitu perspektif orang yang berfikir. Living in the world, temporarily, collecting all the good deeds for our final destination that would never end.

Be grateful to have everything harsh before it becomes an ease in our life. That is how we value our life and how do we see it as 'a life'. Hidup sebenar yang penuh dengan ranjau, cubaan, making us a lot more stronger. Maka bertambah dekatlah kita dengan Yang Maha Pencipta. We believe that every hardships, there always come an ease. Have faith that Allah will always help us, and He would never let us astray from Him. Allah will run to us, if we walk to Him. Allah sayangkan kita. Sebab itulah Dia bagi hujan sementara sebelum datangnya pelangi yang indah.

Hujan tu satu nikmat dan kepuasan bagi mereka yang bersyukur dan mengamati alam ini dengan mata hati :)

Islam itu indah dari setiap sudut. Memudahkan tapi tak boleh dipermudah.
Till then, just a sharing from myself. Hamba kerdil.


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