random #1

this is freakingly bad. i hate this. for how many times, up till now, that i keep on thinking about you? hey ! what it is all about?? can't i just take it lightly, just slip everything away in just a few moment? why do i have to stand with your face, your name all wandering in my head? oh noooo! i'm not a zombie. perhaps, i liked you? not even once. forget the damn truth. this is all dream and it won't come out into a super big reality. what's happening actually? have you ever encounter this before? or perhaps, you're encountering it right now?

please. do understand me. i don't want to live with your shadows. that i actually doesn't prefer to be on that way.

touring the journey. meet the junctions, flyovers and bridges

determined by my vision, mision and my future undertakings. i have a very long way to go. it's not an easy path that you can cross it without cars, busses and maybe even bulldozer. it's wide, long and never ends. let say, the road will end at a certain point, where completely you will meet a thick jungle, a rainforest, a streamless river or maybe even a deep blue sea. end of road. we'll say "jalan mati". so that's it.

now i realized it that i'm not going to say 'a way' but it's a journey that never ends. i learnt a lot from songs. for me, songs is just to no fun. it's meant by its lyrics. for every notes and dots. for every words and lines. it does determine the writer's heart and soul. he put all his soul, his heart throughout his lyrics. he composed a song that would be a complete match, to be paired up with those sentimental musics. brilliant! i'm saying this on my side that i had once been a songwriter. writing is not enough of being semtimental, but full of understanding, the stops, the pause, the starts, the ends, must be something that can touch people's heart. even more, music plays in my soul. anytime. because i'm easily affected by musics. sometimes, i could bang my head following the music flow and sometimes, i could even cry for it's soft line and words. thousand words doesn't enough for a confession.

but song would do it even better.

i can't play instruments even a percussion any better. but, i love music just the way it is. i would prefer hard rock and blues at a certain times and i would listen to soft and ballads song at a certain day. completely awesome when your mind slip into the soul. the centre of you heart, where everything entangled just below expectation. this just my random post. kinda. i just love to spill my random thoughts about anything and you can see somehow, it's messy and terrible. a mixture of emotions and facts.

totally terrible. till then :)

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