i love them

I attended my little brother and sister's sports day in their school. (my past primary school). I came late, about two hours late. So i'd missed the moments to see both of them running on the tracks. It's okay. Still, I can see their medals hanging on their neck. Seriously, I am very proud with them. those annoying little brother and sister of mine were on the stage several times. Seeing the gold medals, silvers and bronze medals they kept in their room, making me adore the medals very much. To be honest, I am no better than them in sports. Got the placing, and gold medals just a few times in school. Hakim took part in high jump, long jump, 4x100m, 4x400m, marathon, 100m and so on. Humaira's the same. She's better an athletic. This is what my parents should proud of. Both of them played very well, superb in track and fields. Unlike myself, hehe. Not that superb maa.
Hopefully, they'll do their best in their upcoming exams. Tomorrow's UPKK. They're in standard 5. Do well kiddos! Along know you can do it. Kacang je tu :p (along tahu that this seems poyo. and along memang poyo, bajet sikit -.-)
No matter what, I'll always support you guys. I have no other twin little brother and sister like you. Even though I hate seeing you bashing me, annoy me, nagging and teasing me, but you're always my little one. You'll be better than me, in shaa Allah.
handsome boy. jangan tunjuk gigi please :p

woot woot. taken during 2012's eid

3 of us :)

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