saya anak Malaysia!
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sayalah askar si kurung hijau :p |
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kami MEG01 yang bahagia. wee :) |
first and foremost, I would love to thank Pak Pian, Mr. Ahmad Shah, Pak Zam, Pak Saad, Ibu Zulia and all facilitators here in BTN Camp, Bukit Sagu. located far away from the city of Kuantan, and deep in the palm oil plantations. low network coverage. (yeke? macam aku sorang je.hehe)
my first impression was, oh btn..cepatla habiss. macam nak kena torture je -.- this is like..oh my..nak balikk!!! Nampak tak betapa aku rasa rimasnya nak tinggal, menginap dekat sini. expression controlled man. luckily, I wasn't alone. got my fellows from intec, my classmates and some known friends, where we'd met at driving school and outside there. (apesal grammar rasa berterabur ni?)
my first day in BTN, Alhamdulillah. as long as I can smile, that's pretty good enough. even though, we have to do some fitness like..haha (like an army should do) just fine as long as I can do it without any injuries and we're playing safe. we're divided into 10 small temporary groups. i'm in group 5 btw. hehehe. saje nak bagitau
well, my second day filled with talks "wacana minda". and I remembered how I was dared to sit at the end of the row. obviously, the boys from the other side boleh tengok kau tersengguk sengguk dengar talk tak payah pakai torchlight pun. I only woke up when there's about 15 minutes left before the talk ended. hula hulaaa. I want my phone! maybe a single song would be refreshing my minds kan? end of the last talk, the fourth talk I supposed and we're going to be placed in our permanent group till the end of BTN. guess what, I was the member of first group! hoyeah! I always love number ONE! wee :D
here, i'm listing the names of my group members: Husnul Hadi (group leader kami mai from Kedah), Abdul Qahhar, Amirul Aizat (Malay version of David Archuleta), Syafeeq, Syaheed (Pak imam), Abdul Hakim (Dol), Amirah (that's me :), Husna Amalia, Nadhrah, Hidayah, Fateen Farhati, Madhiha and Sofia :) they're my close friends in need there. our faci! Mr. Nizam :) well, he's brilliant. no wonder lah boleh jadi faci for BTN course, specifically, Kursus Transformasi Mahasiswa ke Luar Negara. towards shaping anak Melayu yang patriotik dan bersemangat waja!
the ice breaking session was awesome! haha. although we didn't even know each other, but we managed to handle ourselves very well. breaking the ice by means? or should I say breaking the sugars? never mind. we're given task to prepare a performance based on our patriotic song selected. for our group, Tanggal 31's song was preferred and we're planning to prepare a patriotic poem, a short act and singing the song. sounds nice :)
on the fourth day, we're busy with the PKPKs by means of LDK. we're not playing such childish games of course, but some games of personalities, nations and of course, our Malaysia. it was challenging my mind when it comes to questionings and giving rational reasons why should country come first than nation, religion, myself and family? and why should I prefer politic is the most important play than social, economy and education? this requires a lot of critical and creative thinking.
the time had finally came. we're presenting our short and simple act, with poems recital and singing a patriotic song. well, to be honest, I was the poem reciter. ngehehee. people in the hall must be expecting that I'll become a singer as I grabbed a mic on the stage. they sat quietly while listening to my very spontaneous poem. no text. amused? impressed? I don't know laaa. second place wohooo! Alhamdulillah :)
the final day. I was sad. that's all. but I kept thinking about my nation, my future life, my future country. how would I become next few years, next ten years? what my nation would be, what my country would become in a few years more? let's pray for our nation, our country and of course to all muslim in the world. Ya Allah, please save our muslim friends, brothers, sisters, muslim families in this world. Al-Fatihah