a special congratulation for both of them :)

the wedding rings

sweet couple of vocie's

sweet epic sunset :)

congratulations kak Farhana Saffi and her husbey, Anas I suppose!
she's one of my voci's senior who just got married last weekend
may He bless both of you, moga kekal sampai anak cucu and bahagia dunia akhirat :)
it's such a wonderful wedding at the age of 20
her husbey's 28 and will be continuing his masters in Vancouver too same like his lovely wife yang tengah pulun degree dekat Vancouver jugaa
how sweet la maceh :)
well, she's pretty though, gorgeous enough laa ahaa
I was shocked till I saw the first pic of their wedding
terus ternganga sayaaaa (memang tak tipu)
anyway, we'll be counting
who's next?
jeng jeng jeng..

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