Cikgu ilmu

"1 tahun ada berapa hari?" "Tak tauuuuuu cikguuuuuuu" "1 tahun ada 365 hari atau 366 hari pada tahun lompat" "Lompat? Tahun lompat ke cikggguuu?" "Adehh masak nak menjawab" "Cikguu 365 hari ke 366 hari?" Setakat tu saja yang aku dengar tadi. Macam mana nak terangkan budak darjah 1 atau darjah 2 pasal tahun lompat? This is part of the challenge sebagai cikgu. Maybe cikgu matematik pun kena banyak extra knowledge about astronomy? But this is somewhat irony when a student ask a lecturer/teacher about his doubts about a topic. "Yang ni awak tak perlu tahu. This is not in your syllabus somehow" I, somehow terfikir that maybe teachers won't want to let us know sebab nanti student akan jadi lagi pandai dari cikgu/lecturer. But i realize that all the questions are supposed to become our homework. Adult learning process is different than learning process masa sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah. In university...