Interyear 2015/2016: One cheer for Genezens!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! On the week of 14-20th February 2016, there was held an annual event of USMKK's MedSoc team, INTERYEAR 2015/2016. Many games and tournaments were organized during the 7-days event such as football match, netball, basketball, volleyball, frisbee, table tennis, badminton, chess, tarik tali, chess and many more. All batches will compete with each other. From the 'adik bongsu' first year till the 'darjah lima' fifth year. MedSoc's Big Family Day was held on the last day of Interyear, which was on 20th February.

Participated in netball, volleyball and frisbee. Top of all, was frisbee. Haahaaa. In a team of 7 and extra 3 reserve players. It was so much fun to be in the team when we won against Third Year team and the Darjah Lima team. I got a small-but-deep injury during our match with Fifth Year seniors. 3 boys and 7 girls in our team against 9 boys and 1 girl of fifth year team. Even kitorang pun tak dapat bayang how to win against the fifth year team at the first place. Our team je yang most of the players are girls. So yeah, we're not that big. We're small and yet we managed to catch the disks yang terbang tinggi gila tu dengan melompat as high as we can. Haha. And I AM that one person yang terlompat lompat atas padang tu nak catch disk. Alhamdulillah. Even though we didn't manage to make it for the final, we still proud to win against 2 senior teams which later made me smile in my night sleep for a week! :D

As for volleyball, our female Genezens team just won against The Avicenna team (3rd Year). Ni kira macam friendly match sangat since we're close with the 3rd year team. We've been practising together for more than a month, preparing ourselves for the Interyear. Also, the 4th year team. They taught us a lot during our volleyball practices. Just won 1 game and we're promise to make a great comeback for the next Interyear. Must win against the 1st year soon! Hahaaa.

Hmm and netball, it was quite disappointing. No, we're really disappointed because our team didn't make it for all matches. Maybe we're just too short and too small. Hahaha. Indeed, the seniors are tall and besar besar lah, muka matured gila. Haih, I thought that's how medical life treat our face (and body?) soon. Cepat cari face-lifting cream!

Here are pics of Interyear 2015/2016. May success be with us next and upcoming years. One cheer for Genezens! The Wolfpack: One Heart Beat Team.

cooking competition of MedSoc's Family Day :)

Carom with Vivian :)

Genezens team of tarik tali. We won against Kaiser!

Family Day

Football supporting team!

Ping pong supporters

Coaching before netball game

Players and supporters of netball

Spot me: the orange WA :)

The Wolfpack male volley team

Ni volleyball ke terbang?

Wolfpack female volleyball team ;)

Genezens basketball: in red jerseys

Genezens' volleyball and basketball players with supporters


Spot the weirdo?

Headband in the making

Flag in the making

Flag's done! Credits to Pj and Amin

Post frisbee. Me not here because of injury
Spot the weirdos there: Appreciation Dinner of Interyear 2015/2016

Dinner :)

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